lundi, mars 13, 2006

nasdredin hodja

:: Priceless and Worthless ::

One day his friends asked the Hodja: -You are a wise man, Hodja Efendi. Can you tell us what you consider to be most precious in the world? -Easily, said the Hodja, "I consider advice to be priceless." His friends thought about this for some time, then asked again: -Well, what do you consider to be worthless? -I would say advice is the most worthless thing in the world. -Come now, Hodja Effendi! objected his audience. "How can something be priceless and then again worthless? You must be making a mistake! " -No, my friends. I know what I am talking about. An advice taken may be priceless, but consider how worthless it becomes when it's unwheeded!

:: The burden of guilt ::

Nasreddin Hodja and his wife came home one day to find the house burgled. Everything portable had been taken away.- It's all your fault, said his wife, for you should have made sure that the house was locked before we left.The Neighbor took up the chant:- You did not lock the windows, said one.- Why did you not expect this? said another.- The locks were faulty and you did not replace them, said a third.- Just a moment, said Hodja, surley I am not the only one to blame?- And who should we blame? they shouted.- What about the thieves? said Hodja. Are they totally innocent?

:: The blanket gone, the quarrel is over. ::

It was about midnight when the Hodja heard a frightful row going on just beneath his window. he loved watching a fight and wasn't going to miss such an opportunity. As the weather was rather cold, he threw a blanket round his shoulders and run out into the street. There, a couple of hooligans were yelling and violently pushing each other about. But when the Hodja approached, better to watch the fight, as well as to find out the reason for it, both rascals threw themselves on him, snatched his blanket away and disappeared into the darkness. Pursuing being out of the question, there was nothing left to do for the Hodja but to go back to bed, perplexed and blanketless. -Well, what was the fight about? asked his wife. -It appears to have been about our blanket, replied the Hodja, The blanket gone, the quarrel is over.

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